Showing posts with label lessonunit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lessonunit. Show all posts

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Art Class: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch (Part I)

This is my second time trying out the lesson unit for the Primary 5 children. I started the lesson by showing the children some gruesome  emotionally-impactful images caused by our plastic ocean and asking them to discuss what they see using the See-Think-Wonder framework.

Next, we watched the trailer Waste Land (2010) and we discussed about how artists use their skills and knowledge to raise awareness on a marginalized group of people and improve people's standard of living. It's quite impossible for me to hear from everyone in a class of near 40 kids so I had them make their thinking visible in their sketchbook about this issue.

I was really glad when I had a student who told me that his father told him about Rob Greenfield because I was going to show them this video:

Some time last year, pupils from the Art Club visited the Singapore Art Museum and heard a local artist, Tan Zi Xi spoke about her artwork Plastic Ocean responding to the same theme.

When I was conducting this lesson for the very first time, I was very new to the children having been posted to my current school. It was very challenging as the children had a very strong preconceived idea of what art is and they weren't ready to accept such lesson as art lesson. My current cohort of children have been with me for 2 years so I find that they are more receptive in terms of being engaged in art discussion instead of expecting a step-by-step approach to art making all the time. Like Elliot Eisner says, the curriculum is a mind-altering device. Most children accept what they were given, as such, it's important to balance my approach towards art and since we are in a position to make the necessary adjustments needed to suit local circumstances.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Lesson Unit: Salted Fish

This year, some teachers within a cluster got together and conducted a workshop for other art teachers. We also shared our lesson units on pedagogical boards. It was great because I got meet other art teachers and share about our work. It was time well spent listening and learning from them.

The lesson unit wraps around Cheong Soo Pieng's painting, Drying Salted Fish. I accompanied that with a book written by Yeo Wei Wei which was inspired by Cheong's painting. The painting is still exhibited in National Gallery Singapore and you can see the image here. A while ago, there was even a photo booth featuring this work!

You can click here and here to see some students' art books.