Showing posts with label artbook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label artbook. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Art Class: Our New School

In just a few more weeks, our last school term or rather the school year is closing. At the same time, our school is undergoing another year of renovation work. Scaffolding, mobile cranes, safety nets, construction workers, barricades and warning signs are a common sight. I'd like to believe I have grown accustomed (higher tolerance) to the shrill sounds and obstructed views.

Perhaps this lesson unit is inspired by the incessant dust settling in my art room... We read Roberto The Insect Architect by Nina Laden. This book is quite wordy for 7 years old but they should be good since I'm reading to them using my most animated voice. For children who are not ready to tackle such a book (Phew! I only have 1 in one of my classes), I have them stand beside me and using his/ her finger as a pointer as I read. This seems to cause them to be less fidgety and less likely being a disruption to the others. 

The children are working on designing their new school as an architect. They have wonderful ideas during class discussion such as water slides, train tracks, trampoline, tunnels, university etc. Windows that are neither squares nor rectangular. There is even a mobile school that moves like a vehicle. Some photos of their drawings with mixed media are below: 

Monday, November 14, 2016

Lesson Unit: Salted Fish

This year, some teachers within a cluster got together and conducted a workshop for other art teachers. We also shared our lesson units on pedagogical boards. It was great because I got meet other art teachers and share about our work. It was time well spent listening and learning from them.

The lesson unit wraps around Cheong Soo Pieng's painting, Drying Salted Fish. I accompanied that with a book written by Yeo Wei Wei which was inspired by Cheong's painting. The painting is still exhibited in National Gallery Singapore and you can see the image here. A while ago, there was even a photo booth featuring this work!

You can click here and here to see some students' art books.