In Singapore, we board the public bus from the front and alight through another door situated in the middle of the bus. Most of the buses are wheelchair accessible, in this photo, while the bus driver was assisting a wheelchair-bound passenger to board the bus at the other door, the rest of the passengers had to wait at the front. Only when the wheelchair-bound passenger is safely secured in the bus, will the driver open the front door to allow the rest of the passengers to board.
Sometimes I wonder if the passengers would still wait patiently at the door should the front door be opened? I'm sure the bus drivers were trained to do this because they could anticipate that it would be more efficient by allowing the wheelchair-bound passenger to board first as there will be more space to manoeuvre. Thus, any bus driver would know better than to open the front door first.
So, human psychology is applicable in the classroom or workplace. In eduation, we term it as classroom management. Understanding how people think and behave very much has an impact to the flow of lessons in school. For instance, most teachers would not distribute materials/ resources to the students first before our explanation. Logically speaking, it is nice to have all the materials placed on the desk in front of the students before they walk in. But, in reality anyone working with young children in public education can tell you it would take a lot of discipline from the child to keep their hands or eyes off the materials right in front of them and just focus on your verbal instructions.