Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Art Club: Making a Coil Plate

My dilemma on whether I should start this project with my students 🤷. As we only have three sessions for this term. The interval between the second and the last session will be five weeks apart. Although their unfinished projects are usually kept in ziplock bags, they are not entirely airtight. I will still need to open the bags every few days and mist the artwork to keep them moist. But I thought it will be nice if I squeeze in a new technique. After some deliberation, I decided to go ahead and see what happens. The risk is that some of the clay might be too dry to work and they need to redo from scratch. Another possibility is that I'm overzealous in misting the artwork and they will be too wet to work with. 😕 

I usually start by showing them the entire process with a time lapse video so I can focus on explaining while pausing the video. I think it's hard to use the visualiser with my dust-coated hands. The projection is also clearer with the video than the live document camera. Stay tune to my update in my next post!