Monday, October 28, 2019

Art Class: Applied Learning Programme (ALP)

Hi teachers! The ministry recently announced that all primary schools would have an ALP by 2023. I'm happy to be involved in my school's ALP this year and the students have just completed the project. Throwback to last year, the art club students created their game project with similar concept using Littlebits so at least I have an inkling of where this is heading. The initial part of the current project incorporated design thinking guided worksheet for students to generate ideas. For a start, the students used collaborative card game for group discussion. Then, they meddled with raw electronic components to understand more about circuits. 

The students brought their coded Microbits to art class to give them a makeover. Recycled materials and hot glue were used to fix the cardboard pieces.

The students had to write their scripts first to prepare for the presentation. My colleagues, D and F, recorded their presentations so that the teachers can review their projects. These videos will help the following year's students to have a better idea of what they will be doing.

A school-wide approach of such a project uses a lot communication with different channels. Collaboration would hardly happen if left it to chance. I hope by documenting my work, I can see how certain processes can be refined or have been overlooked when I revisit the materials in the future.