Wednesday, November 2, 2016


I may not be the best person to talk about organisation but I guess you can have an excuse to be untidy if you were just serving yourself. In a school with a few thousand kids, having an organised art room or store room stocked with art supplies is a big deal. If you spend less time looking for things, it leads to more planning and thinking time. Besides your students, you are also helping other teachers to acquire emergency supplies for some events.

Depending on your energy level, it's important to conserve energy and directing them into something more useful. Every little obstacles (e.g technical issues or mediating pupils' friendship problems) we encounter every day consume bits of our energy, by the time we got home, whatever is left (if we still have any left), is reserved for our family. It doesn't have to be this way because our family also deserve our time and attention.

Thus, the first step to ensuring sanity is to stay organised. 

Let's start packing!