Showing posts with label sink. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sink. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Housekeeping: Managing Paint

I'm very lucky to get two stainless stain sinks in each artroom with this depth! Perhaps they would remind you of a surgical sink, but in fact, it is quite common in art schools. This sink facilitates washing effectively and the most important thing is that it acts like a backsplash which otherwise would result in slippery floor. Imagine forty children doing washing and if one causes a little splash, it would be a significant amount of water on the ground towards the end of the lesson. With back to back classes, it is a substantial mental load just to ensure everyone's safety.

Another thing that I like doing is to minimise the amount of paint staining our new sink. I like children to clean their dirty paintbrushes on a recycled cardboard first before they do the washing. A picture says a thousand words: