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Sunday, July 11, 2021
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Art Class: Cardboard String Art
Hi Teachers! Have you watched the video about true cyan? Last few weeks, the students went through the lesson unit on Optical Illusion. It's a hit with children because it offers weird and interesting truths about the nature of perception and colours. You can search Youtuber Zack King's videos for some brilliantly-stitched videos that are quite magically. I brought string art artmaking back due to popular demand its accessibility. I'm quite surprised to hear that many students do not have strings or threads at home. We have been doing mostly solo work or work that don't requires a lot of movement in the classroom. Thus, the materials used are quite economical. It's light and handy in case students need to bring them home to complete.
On another note, Singapore schools moved online last Wednesday. The press release was on a weekend so we had time to prepare and distribute materials to our affected classes on the first two days of the week. The students were just tidying up their artwork for Term 2 and it seems like I can only see their final work in Term 3. When school term ends this month, we will still be in the midst of Phase Two. I'm working on something for the students to participate during the school vacation. Please check back!
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Art Class: Puppets Making
Monday, July 10, 2017
Art Class: Our Artist Talk
Talent alone don't feed you. Team work is emphasized in class as some children's self-centeredness scares me.
Last week, some Primary One pupils spoke about their artmaking experiences to the public. It was held at Scape Mall at The Ground Theater. They wrote their own script first in school and after interviewing them, their own words are translated to a script. Since they are the ones presenting so using their own words would beat mine.
It was great to see parents cheering for the children (not necessary theirs) and I think the proudest moment would be to witness your own child growing from a struggling reader to someone who could read fluently in front of an audience. Credit goes to their parents for being so supportive and involved in their children's interest. Definitely purposeful learning for everyone. Guess the advice came in handy after all.
Thursday, June 8, 2017
Artventures: School's Out! Summer's In!
Just last Sunday, I've contributed an art activity for Pesta Ubin 2017. I'm lucky to have my friend, HT, to help out this year. We went to Pulau ubin the previous week to do some preparation. Thanks to the organiser, Ria, and Uncle Lim, the drink stall owner, who lend us his shop space so that we don't have to break our backs sitting on the ground. Our canvas were the treated coconut husks. Uncle Lim kept them for us and after sunning and sanding them, they were good for painting. Things were moving at a good pace but the sun was unforgiving. I love the smell, sight (grains) and quality of natural wood. I still marvel at how thoughtful the way nature works: you can have something to eat (coconut flesh) and drink (coconut water) and paint (husk) all-in-one compact design. You can view more pictures here.
Sunday, April 23, 2017
Art Class: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch (Part II)
As the children start working, I will walk around and facilitate. By facilitating, sometimes I like asking children "what are you doing?" to ensure that they begin with an end in mind. Some children were more proactive than others so I would get them to organise the team in teams of individual contribution.
They were shown a photo compilation so that besides learning from each other in their own class, they will also be able to see what other classes were doing. I think they also feel comfortable seeing me going around taking photos as they know their identities will not be revealed but rather I emphasize on learning good practices from others. Be it painting techniques, concepts or written reflection.