Showing posts with label pixelart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label pixelart. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Art Class: Pixel Art on Window Panels

The children were using the window panels as canvas. They used coloured sticky notes to create an artwork. I designed a worksheet for them to work on the calculations before transferring the digital image to the actual work. They had to take measurements of the window panels first and divide the length and width per unit (per sticky note) to count the number of sticky notes they needed. The image looked rather simple but they had to be quite precise and persist as they learn to work with a paper plan first and not trial and error.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Art Class: Pixel Art with MS Excel

Hi Teachers!

For the past few weeks, it has been extremely fast-paced and unpredictable. We are suddenly propelled into a strange and unfamiliar world. While everyone has to grapple with disruptions to their daily routines, including myself, the temporary inconvenience is nothing compared to losing your place on Earth.

While Singaporeans are now put on a circuit breaker, it is still a privilege to sit in front of multiple screens with Wifi and still be able do our job. We are on full Home-Based Learning (HBL) since 8 April and it will last a month. We are uncertain if this arrangement will be extended but teachers are on a rotation basis and will still be returning to school on some days. 

My students created digital Art using MS Excel in Term 1 given the theme Machine/ CartoonWe looked at artists who made art with precision and the planning stage is vital to scale up art pieces or mural.

Check back to see their final artwork!

Friday, February 21, 2020

Art Class: Parts to Whole

Ever seen this noise barrier at construction sites? The purpose of these panels are to minimise noise and dust to the surrounding residences due to the underground MRT construction. It's the details that matter. On closer inspection, I suppose that the individual rectangular panels can be taken apart and put together. The different colours have to be fixed in a calculated manner to enable others to see a represented image of trees. It's interesting to discuss about what we see on the streets. Hopefully, those children who did not get a chance to see these will be able to observe one soon.