Thursday, December 2, 2021

PG: Bright Ideas Gathering

My lecturer gave us tickets to the Bright Ideas Gathering which was held in conjunction with Lumiere Festival 2021. It featured twelve talks and performances from innovators and influencers shaping our world and our future. This event was produced by the same team who created TEDxManchester, TEDxNewcastle and the Thinking Digital Conference. Topics for the presentations were varied and it ranged from visual art to anti-ageing to the Sciences. The last speaker was a performance chemist who literally created explosives on the stage! His timing for his speech (science facts) were seamless with the chemical reactions. You can search for his YouTube videos.

Alfie Joey

Helen Marriage

Dr Nichola Conlon

Tim Etchells

David Callaghan

Chris McDonald

Nikki Dravers

Dr Paul Chazot

Alison Clark

Pam Warhurst

Elaine Buckholtz

Chloƫ Clover

Sugata Mitra