Monday, May 6, 2019

Art Class: Yarn and Burlap (Part II)

To prepare the burlaps ready for sewing, instructions for applying the white glue along the perimeter of the burlaps were given. There is no photo at this stage as I was busy preventing any burlaps from drowning in glue. The students used their finger to apply the glue by placing the burlap on a piece of recycled paper with the gloss finish.

Their actual sewing lesson started the following week and I did a live demo using my visualiser. To start off, students sew a border so that I have sufficient time to see that everyone is able to do basic straight stitching. Chalks were provided for the students to roughly mark out their images in the center of their canvas.

A few preventive points which I had to address the class are to resist pulling the stitch too tightly which would result in an uneven surface. Another point is that the stitches should not be too long individually. I suspect some students' intention was to complete the project with the least effort. Even if long stitches do get the work done, their work might not be long-lasting if something catches the stitch accidentally and it could destroy their work.