Monday, November 16, 2020

Art Class: Comics Drawing


Hi Teachers! Here's a lesson for the last 2 weeks of school. It's simple to carry out and some children who might be absent during class due to the year end prize giving rehearsals can catch up easily through the video. The children can also choose between a 3-panel or 4-panel comic templates. 

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Art Class: Colouring with Lines


The children are learning to colour with lines. We reviewed the different types of lines and watched a video on how to apply them in colouring. I like using A3-sized papers with the younger children as it allows them to draw sizable objects. My art tutor used to say coloured pencils are the hardest medium to master for young kids. It's quite unimaginable since it is such a common practice for children to own coloured pencils. I hardly use them in art class because first, the children would take too much effort to cover the entire drawing paper and many would complain that their wrists are tired. 

Another reason is the different brands of coloured pencils yield different amount of colour pigments. There are some types where no matter the amount of strength you exert to colour, the colours would always appear very faint. The visual impact is futile. Furthermore, they would appear almost invisible on digital images. Coloured markers were provided for the children to prevent the mentioned disparities. I want the children to feel proud of their achievements and more confident with each project.

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Art Class: Tape Art


Whenever I'm doing process art with the children and I anticipated that they might mess up, I would remind them about the story Beautiful Oops that we'd read together in class during our first Art lesson. It works wonder most of the time and the children who had accidentally torn their papers would remain rational and calm when I reminded them of the story in times of 'crisis'. 

My students have completed their drawing module in tape art. Watch the video to find out more!

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Art Class: Drawing with Objects

Hi! My students are making drawings with found objects at home. Remember to emphasize that they should use safe items found. I got them to list some items that are suitable before the actual task. We also looked at some examples of artists' work samples. Watch the video to see my examples. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

HBL: Art Card Game

Hi Teachers, this week, my students will be doing HBL using word cards. I've compiled multiple options for the children so that they will have a wide range of materials to choose from at home. Some of them even uploaded videos on SLS when they are 'performing' the adverbs. Please watch the video to find out more! 


Sunday, October 11, 2020

Art Class: Online Gallery on SLS

Most of our events are taking place online this year. Our students have started preparing their work to be exhibited online on SLS. I've prepared folders for them to collate their work and encouraged them to provide positive feedback for each other. Just some tips on taking better photos of their work and they are good to go. 


Sunday, October 4, 2020

Art Class: Surrealism in Watercolour


Watercolour is an unforgiving medium. Its transparency is beautiful but a mistake is clearly visible unlike the acrylic paint where you can go over it by applying a new layer. 

I prefer to let the students use acrylic paint but since I'm conducting art class in the classrooms, I'm changing the medium. A good thing is each class is equipped with a sink so at least they still can wash their supplies without making visits to the washrooms. 

I prepared paint on the plastic lid and allow them to dry before distributing them to the students. They would just need to fill the continer with water and start paint. To clean up, they will empty the container and allow the paint to dry the same way when they have just received them. I made a watercolour video and the students will be learning to apply the techniques to their drawings. We'll see how it goes.