Monday, March 26, 2018

Art Club: Game Makers

This is such an apt scene from our community library - A robotic book drop. It travels along a guided path using sensors and it stops near the entrance to allow visitors to drop their returned books. Then it goes into a staff-only room where people will empty its bin and it comes out only for the cycle to repeat itself. Save the humans from the monotonous chores and hard labour.

The children are encouraged to read more to deepen their understanding of electronics. A list of books available in the public library is compiled for them. There were a lot of group discussion in the process and the projects were written as ideas first. I'm looking forward to sharing their survey result and thinking about collating their thought process. 

Batteries Storage

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Housekeeping: Toiletries as Art Materials

Besides cardboard, these are some other possible art materials that can be collected free. Hotel toiletries! I usually bring my own toiletries overseas and will collect these from the hotel for use in the art room. To hasten collection, it helps when you get your family to do the same :D They are excellent for doing mark making or paint splatters

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Art Class: Possibilities With Papers [Part II]

The children read a poem, Larry the Line, written by Cassie Stephens and we look at art vocabulary related to lines such as horizontal, vertical, diagonal, curves and straight. They were encouraged to manipulate the given pipe cleaners named Larry and incorporate it into their artwork. 

At this point, I would have enough time to assess the children's readiness of using scissors in their next project. The children took a break from cutting and pasting and we learnt simple colour theory by making their own colour wheel and blending the oil pastels. We also revisited the book Mouse Paint that they have read last year.

Colour Wheel
Cleaning their oil pastels
Their final project started with a class discussion of Sculpture. We looked at artist, Han Sai Por's Tetrahedron-tetrahedron Interprenetration (1993) fiberglass sculpture and compare the resemblance of her artwork to origami. Sometimes, the choice of medium is a great consideration depending on the intent or placement of the artwork. So, the children proceeded to make their own self-portraits using coloured papers. Assuming their scissors skills is fine, they can decide on the colour scheme and think in layers and do overlapping. 

This cracks me up a lot!

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Art Club: Sky Colour

What would you do when you run out of blue paint? Is blue the only colour of the sky? Art Club P3 pupils are working on a 'mural' after reading the book Sky Colour by Peter H. Reynolds. The children discuss and brainstorm on the possibilities of sky creatures and flying objects.

Friday, March 2, 2018

Art Class: Possibilities With Papers [Part I]

This book by Paul Jackson will change the way you view the plain paper. You can click here to view more techniques. The children look at some examples of paper to form and they did a group challenge to make the most out of cartridge papers. With simple material, they can even extend their learning at home. In subsequent weeks, the children were given decorative edge scissors and coloured papers. Their task is to imagine that they were being shrunk to thumb size and they have to design a play space made of papers. They were encouraged to manipulate the papers into forms and we had discussion about the different areas of play spaces using preposition. 

Image result