Sunday, August 30, 2020

Art Class: My Favourite Things

Jazz up the pen and paper drawing by providing children black papers and white pens. We decided on a theme, My Favourite Things, since everyone wanted to do something different. I did a sharing of all their work under the visualiser There was a boy who requested for the spelling of some types of dinosaurs and I replied that I don't know how to spell! Anyway, we looked it up on the search engine and he pointed out the correct words that he saw. Poring over their drawings is so enjoyable 😻

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Art Class: Exquisite Corpse Drawing Game

Hi Teachers, my students are playing a drawing game in class. I've adapted the collaborative feature to individual work. The A3-sized drawing papers are cut lengthwise for this activity. Watch the video to find out more!

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Pecha Kucha Presentation

The Japanese has different concepts of life. In Ikigai (reason of being), it's about the purpose of living. In Wabi-Sabi (embracing imperfections), it's a world view dedicated to acceptance. And now, there is even a concept in presentation! 

My first encounter of Pecha Kucha (chit-chat in Japanese) style presentation was an event at Japan Creative Centre in Singapore. I didn't know then there was such a thing but the simple presentation was very captivating and held everyone's attention throughout. It is a presentation format which shows 20 chosen images, each for 20 seconds, designed to be completed in 6 minutes 40 seconds. 

As teachers, we conduct multi-modal presentations to our target audience. What we do depends on the availability of our resources, knowledge and judgement. While not all teachers in the world would have access to school wifi, working laptops, visualisers or document camera, we just have to be creative and learn to navigate restrictions. 

Let me interest you with a photo of two pigeons that is unrelated to this post :D

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Art Class: Animal Collage

Hi Teachers, my students are making collage this term. We started the unit by looking at Henri Matisse's artwork, L'escargot (1953) and talked about his life and artist qualities. Here's a video demonstrating the artmaking process. 

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Art Class: Paintings

Hi teachers! how I miss working in the art room. I have only been using them as storage rooms for the children's artworks since three months ago. 

These graduated students from last year did their Surrealist paintings. They managed to complete them prior to their final exams. Take it as your graduation gifts 😆 was what I'd told them. 

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Art Class: The Impact of Images Worksheets

I've designed a set of 10 worksheets some time ago for the older students. This was an extension activity to the Photography unit. The first question is: What was the first thing you noticed in the photo above? The other is: How does the image make you feel? Why? I would select some students' thoughtful responses and share with the class. Do you give out worksheets for art class?

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Art Class: What's this tool?

Hi! I was cleaning out my sewing box when I found this tool. I seldom use them but they can be very useful for beginners. Let's watch to find out!