Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Art Club: Game Makers Survey

When I was a student, my Math tutor, Dr Yeap Ban Har, told us that teachers often tell him that they don't have enough time. He advised us to look at the whole curriculum and be a more effective teacher. For example, in the lower primary Math curriculum, the topic of Time doesn't have to start only when it is time to do so according to the curriculum timeline, we can start at the beginning of the school year by applying in daily situations. I shared this tip with my students' parents on a blog here many years ago.

My English tutor, Dr Babara Spilchuk, was equally inspiring. She taught us similar concept to integrate the arts by making books, writing stories and sharing with each other. The material cost was modest yet kept us, young adults, deeply engaged and hungry for more. One thing that irks her is worksheets. She rejected worksheets, didn't believe in it and so we didn't receive any during her class. We spend a lot of time creating, reading and held discussions in her class. 

I grew up consuming worksheets so Dr Spilchuk's class felt more like a visual art class than an English class. After all, my mental schema of an English class was books and worksheets and booklets compiled with photocopied papers. 

I guess my tutor was role modelling for us not get too comfortable with a teaching style. She was also showing us that knowledge doesn't exist in isolation. After all, an integrated school curriculum has the potential to alleviate the problems of curriculum overload and fragmentation. As teachers, we can focus on the relationships between subjects to promote learning that applies to several disciplines concurrently and it may allow us to streamline curriculum.

Both my tutors' teaching has somehow urged me to conduct my mini research on integrated learning. The art club pupils have started this project since Term 4 last year. To get a sense of their readiness and their current state of mind about their projects, I conducted a survey. Below is a snapshot of one of the open-ended questions:

Next, a collaboration google document with the template below allows all the children to respond to my questions and their friends' comments together. They are also able to read other people's responses that would polish their train of thoughts and written comments. Below is a snapshot of one of the groups' inputs:

Finally, I would like the P3 art club children to experience interacting with this group of game makers so they were given instructions to approach any game maker groups and ask any questions they like. They were given a PQP (Praise, Question, Polish) feedback form to evaluate their chosen game maker group and to provide written feedback after their interaction. 

Monday, April 9, 2018

Artventures: Art Teachers as Teacher-artists

Hi! I was asked about my work in school and the filming was done in a few hours. Please enjoy the video! Thank you to all the students, production team and Ming for the hard work!

STAR Arts Educator Series: Art Teachers as Teacher-artists from MOE STAR on Vimeo.

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Art Class: Early Finisher Activities

It is common for children to complete their art tasks at a different pace. Therefore, to accommodate the transition period to the next lesson unit, I have planned for early finisher activities. It's important that the activities are low mess and can be put away quickly because I wouldn't want it to supercede the actual art lesson conceptually and it should be stimulating. A bookshelf with art-related readings is available for the children freely whenever they have completed their art task. I'm also toying with the idea of a lightbox with solid shapes, yarn bombing, observational drawing and playing with magnets.

Making my Early Finisher Palette poster

Making paint tubes with toilet paper roll

These fake paint tubes are wrapped with casting plaster and painted with real paint :D

Found this beauty in my neighbourhood for yarn bombing

Monday, March 26, 2018

Art Club: Game Makers

This is such an apt scene from our community library - A robotic book drop. It travels along a guided path using sensors and it stops near the entrance to allow visitors to drop their returned books. Then it goes into a staff-only room where people will empty its bin and it comes out only for the cycle to repeat itself. Save the humans from the monotonous chores and hard labour.

The children are encouraged to read more to deepen their understanding of electronics. A list of books available in the public library is compiled for them. There were a lot of group discussion in the process and the projects were written as ideas first. I'm looking forward to sharing their survey result and thinking about collating their thought process. 

Batteries Storage

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Housekeeping: Toiletries as Art Materials

Besides cardboard, these are some other possible art materials that can be collected free. Hotel toiletries! I usually bring my own toiletries overseas and will collect these from the hotel for use in the art room. To hasten collection, it helps when you get your family to do the same :D They are excellent for doing mark making or paint splatters

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Art Class: Possibilities With Papers [Part II]

The children read a poem, Larry the Line, written by Cassie Stephens and we look at art vocabulary related to lines such as horizontal, vertical, diagonal, curves and straight. They were encouraged to manipulate the given pipe cleaners named Larry and incorporate it into their artwork. 

At this point, I would have enough time to assess the children's readiness of using scissors in their next project. The children took a break from cutting and pasting and we learnt simple colour theory by making their own colour wheel and blending the oil pastels. We also revisited the book Mouse Paint that they have read last year.

Colour Wheel
Cleaning their oil pastels
Their final project started with a class discussion of Sculpture. We looked at artist, Han Sai Por's Tetrahedron-tetrahedron Interprenetration (1993) fiberglass sculpture and compare the resemblance of her artwork to origami. Sometimes, the choice of medium is a great consideration depending on the intent or placement of the artwork. So, the children proceeded to make their own self-portraits using coloured papers. Assuming their scissors skills is fine, they can decide on the colour scheme and think in layers and do overlapping. 

This cracks me up a lot!

Thursday, March 8, 2018

Art Club: Sky Colour

What would you do when you run out of blue paint? Is blue the only colour of the sky? Art Club P3 pupils are working on a 'mural' after reading the book Sky Colour by Peter H. Reynolds. The children discuss and brainstorm on the possibilities of sky creatures and flying objects.